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My France Journal

My France Journal While visiting France in May 2019 I took many photos and wrote about my experience so that I could recall the details later and especially so that I could share my adventure with others. By clicking on the link – My France Journal – you will be taken to a document. In order to… read more

Morning Pages

Morning Pages

After a two-year hiatus, I recently returned to writing Morning Pages. The impetus to return to an old routine was another go round with The Artist’s Way 12-week program designed by Julia Cameron.  Morning Pages, one of the program’s central exercises, requires participants to write three-pages, by hand, first thing in the morning, about whatever… read more


I love design. My first exposure to design in a formal way was an elective I took at Morris Harvey College in 1953 — Interior Design. Being required to describe what I saw and why I liked what I did was a huge challenge, but one I loved. Many years later I discovered the magazine… read more

Gift of Art

    A few weeks before Christmas Mike and I were talking about our plans for 2018. Almost always our goals are focused on continued learning. Both of us have returned to school, taking classes at Armstrong State University as part of Georgia’s 62+ program. Soon after retirement Mike started in the ceramics department and… read more

Art and Gratitude

Going back to school has added to my understanding and appreciation of gratitude. Taking two classes — Drawing I and Introduction to Photography — may not have been the smartest way to enter retirement. Lots of homework has kept me very busy.      While learning basic techniques and new perspectives, I am being exposed… read more

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I am thrilled that you have stopped by my website and hope that you will enjoy yourself while here. I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment or send us an email. Don’t hesitate to give feedback about the website and my art.